Here is a personalized and evidence-based approach to supplements. Try it for free!

Often, we are told you should be taking blank (Magnesium, Omega, Probiotics, etc). But, should you? If so, how much? When? Why? 

This tool, tested by Dr. Colleen and other chiropractors helps give you the direction you need in learning how to improve your health in many ways, some including:

  • Digestion

  • Health conditions such as osteoporosis, joint pain, headaches, IBS, etc. 

  • Inflammation 

  • Energy levels

  • Sleep quality 

  • Metabolism 

  • Regulating Stress 

  • Filling nutritional gaps (especially with nutrients from fruits and vegetables)

  • Pre/peri-menopause 

  • Immune support

By supplementing your body with what it actually needs and the right amount, this will help you feel better overall, function more efficiently and improve your body's response to your chiropractic care! 

Health Assessment

30 Day Total Body Reset DETOX!
